Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Episiotomies, Labor and Needles...Oh My!

So as mentioned in the previous post DH and I are not trying but not preventing. Last month was rather busy and we uhm, ur, didn't really have time to DTD. I know, I know, too much information! Anyways, this led to me getting a visit from my dear friend AF. Fun! (Sense my sarcasm)

Anyways, this month we plan to erm, DTD, more often which will hopefully end in a positive pregnancy test! Which would be great! Because I would probably know just in time for Father's Day! What a great present for my dad! See my happiness and joy!

Ok, alright, there is that sarcasm again. But yesterday I was scaring myself with stories of episiotomies which I might add, I can't even pronounce. And it scared me silly about Labor and Childbirth again. Does my doctor approve of this? Does he only do them in emergency situations? I do not want someone cutting me down there unless its an emergency. Will he be ok with this? Also, Labor pains, not really for me. And needles, so many needles. I fear the dentist because of Novocain needles. How am I going to stand having my blood drawn so frequently?

I talked to DH about all of this and I think I scared him too! So that didn't really help much. Although it was cute to see how protective he gets about me.

I still want to try, sorry, not prevent but I'm a little scared again. I know this all needs to happen before I can have a wittle precious baby of my very own but still, cutting, my neathers. Ugh.

Also, I need to start taking my prenatals. Note to Self: Stop Procrastinating Women!!

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